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Saturation at its best (or worst)

You are at your desk, hunched in front of your books, reading and writing for hours, trying to comprehend everything that you can. You feel maxed out and your brain’s very tired. To top it off, you have not been having enough sleep for the past few days, partly due to insomnia, and partly due to the nightmares of not being able to achieve your goal.

In such instance, you turn to your go-to drink - the ever dependable strong doses of caffeine - to provide the artificial wake-up boost that you badly need. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. “If one cup is not enough, then five will surely do,” you always tell yourself that while nibbling on the leftover cookies from yesterday. Your coffee never failed you. You felt the temporarily boost, only to be followed by your mental energy levels sinking into rock bottom. You’ll end up feeling more tired than before you even thought of drinking that first drop of coffee.

If you’ve been in the same situation then you know what people mean when they say “My mind is saturated.” Solution? Get your heart rate up by doing some physical activity- to boost your circulation.

See, I know what to do. I am just an overwhelmed stubborn person trying to do it her own way.

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